So I'm 21, and outgrowing college already. Oh, wait, that was two years ago. I think I've traveled too much, seen too much, and been in the "real world" too much to appreciate what's left of my adolescence. I'm ready to have a job and make something of myself. I'm in upper level classes now, with other seniors, and the ignorance and naivety shocks me. People honestly have no idea wait is waiting outside of their frat parties and meal plans. Maybe it's my fault for going to school in the midwest. Half our class examples/suggestions, from both professors and students, are about production factories or farming. You never hear about consulting firms, marketing firms, software companies, or anything other than something a 5 year old would think of. Maybe that's my creative side coming out, and I'm just being cynical, but come on! There's so much more out there. Speaking of being narrow minded, in some of my marketing classes, the professor asked us to list our interests and what we want to do. Every guy in the class lists "sports marketer" or something of that nature. I guess at least they've advanced from the realization that they're not going to be an pro NFL or MLB player, but seriously, there's more to the world than athletics. No wonder it's been so hard for me to find a guy to date.
Aside from classes, the bar scene is pathetically ridiculous. I know I may be a bit old fashioned being catholic and all, but wow. Sooo many drunken girls going home with random guys. The bars are a complete slutfest, and no lines are drawn. I wish girls would realize there's a way to get attention other than maximum grinding and boob exposure. It's called
class. My favorite was watching some pathetically plastered chick last night grinding (quite out of time) with this guy. She was wasted, no idea what's going on, meanwhile the guy is pounding his friends and making crude gestures about what's sure to ensue later that evening. I almost felt sorry for her, but honestly, grow up, and learn how to not get incredibly drunk and hook up with assholes. [don't even get me started on how chicks need to either lay off the beer or not wear such tight clothes. it's called moderation, and exercise. plus, just ewwwww.]
And it's only two weeks into the semester. Oh lord. So I am sending out applications everywhere I can, in eager anticipation of getting into the real world where I can start my career, meet intelligent individuals, and go to bars where I can at least get a fucking Cosmo instead of a nasty "rum and coke" with shitty college bar booze.