Monday, December 22, 2008


ugh. i feel like death. being sick sucks. damn you, finals, papers, and projects for stressing me out and attacking my immune system.

At least I have christmas movies to keep me happy, because apparently my xbox is a fan of sucking and my internet is being ghey. it's not been a good break thus far. got home, realized i forgot my toiletries and all my makeup. the normal person would say, "oh, just go buy more stuff", except I am a makeup snob. The makeup bag I carry around easily costs $300 between my concealers(bare minerals), color palettes by Mac, lipsticks and gloss, liners, mascara, and especially my brushes. So I can't just go an easily replace that. grrr. Speaking of makeup, 15 year old girls make me laugh. they line their eyes completely in black, and think it looks good. they look more like raccoons. honestly, who came up with that idea, and who continues to let it exist. the best was going out to dinner with my family and seeing a chick in her 20s sporting the raccoon look. seriously? [can you tell i'm an even cattier bitch when I'm sick and feeling like shit?]

Other things that annoy me:

- up and coming gaming websites that try to get publicity by using half naked girls heavily photoshopped. i love the female body, don't get me wrong, I'm a huge supporter of Suicide Girls and alternative beauty, but christ, us women in the gaming industry have enough trouble getting respect as is. when sites pull shit like that, is just further encourages male chauvinistic views that women only play video games in their undergarments for male pleasure.

- drivers who don't understand the concept of parallel parking. whether it's leaving half a car-length on either side when they park, or tailing you ass when you clearly have your blinker on to parallel park. makes me want to punch them in the face

- female biological clock. if you want to be a woman with a sucessful career and a family, you have a short window to do it. Well established career by 25, married by 27, kids by 30. fuck. For me, graduating at 21, that only gives me 4-6 years to build my reputation and find my dream job before I have to worry about popping out babies. Especially since I want a big family (2 boys, 2 girls, preferrably), and to have my own photography studio and Graphic Design firm with 2-5 employees, so I can be a working stay-at-home mom.

- being sick. i'm dizzy, my throat hurts, my joints ache, my skin hurts from even the lightest touch, and i can't talk.

- bluetooth headsets. more specifically, people who wear them 24/7, even though they're not using them. it's like, are you trying to prove how hip you are by wearing one? or are you just hoping that bright blue flashing light will summon the nearest UFO to pick you up? Good luck with that one, I'm pretty sure they only like doing experiments on intelligent life forms. ;) kthnxbai.

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