I'm competitive by nature. It's in my personality to be fierce, passionate, hot tempered, fast paced, and hard core. Maybe that's why first person shooters appeal to me. I love the non-stop action, bullets flying past my head, grenades exploding at my feet; I can almost feel the blasts coming from the screen. There's nothing quite like the sickening crunch as you smash your assault rifle into the back of your opponents head, or the little medal that pops up when you rip someone's face off with a sniper rifle. Halo 3 has taken it to a whole new level with new weapons, new

ways to kill, but the same adrenaline rush that's been there since the original Halo. I about lost it the other day when I stuck a spike nade to my opponent's head in double team, which my teammate informed me has been dubbed "the unicorn". Seriously. Can you say OWNED?!?!?! Then I played team slayer today, and destroyed again. It's really not fair, cause I'm low ranked because I still haven't played many games, but come oooooon. I've decided to really make more time for playing, because I enjoy this game immensly, and Call of Duty 4 comes out in November, so I've gotta keep my skill up until then! Halo 3 is really fun for owning people and kicking the shit out of randoms who think they're good, but we'll have

to see if it will make it to the competitive level. Unfortunately, a lot of the strategy for the new maps seems to be camping, which is hella dumb. I don't need a sleeping bag and s'mores to own kids! Boom! Headshot! Rawr! Actually more like "Smack! Owned!" I have 134 beatdown medals, teeheee. Boxer FTW.
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