I have a 15" powerbook G4. I'm in love with it. In fact, I'm in love with all apple products. I love talking about them, using them, pretty much anything. So I finally did something smart and applied to the Apple store here in Des Moines, and I'm pretty psyched. I have an interview tomorrow, and I really hope it goes well. I've been getting quite burnt out on working retail, though I do enjoy working with people. I figure working at Apple will be a great part time job for a college student, and let me hang out with other nerds who share my mac love. It's been a while since I've interviewed for a job, so I suppose I'm a tad nervous as well. I have a really good friend who works at the Apple store in Kansas and loves it, so I'm hoping all goes well for me.
In the meantime, my first classes of the semester were today. I'm only taking 15 credit hours, so this semester shouldn't be too bad. I'm taking management 110, statistics 72, management 120, design for the web, and marketing 101. I dropped about $600 today at the University bookstore - it's highway robbery, seriously. But I found some of my books on amazon.com, so that'll save some money. Yay! I'm still thoroughly enjoying the Call of Duty 4 beta, and playing Luminous Arc while I wait for class to start.
WSVG Toronto and PAX were this past weekend, both of which I missed. I'm quite sad. The pure pwnage crew attended WSVG, and I would have given anything to meet them!!! QQ. Ah, well, I'll meet them some day, I'm sure. PAX looks like fun from the pictures I've seen, I just wish I could have gotten to see all my friends, and visit my favorite place, Seattle, again.
On another note, I downloaded a learners edition of Maya, and have been following some basic tutorials to teach myself how to use the program. It's really difficult, but quite interesting. I'm hoping to have a bigger portfolio built by GDC time this year, as I plan on attending game design school when I finish at Drake. So many things to do, plus n00bs to pwn online! <3
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