Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Summer Time

So my first day of summer that i'm finally feeling better. YAY!

So first things, ep. 2 of my video blog launched. I'm pretty excited that there will be a second season for Dollhouse! Good Fox!

Also, Im getting my game on like mad! Been playing Castle Crashers all morning, it's amazing. Now I'm going through all the random games on my shelves I've barely played. Right now it's Spidey: Web of Shadows. LOL. It's hella corny, I'm quite amused. I think there may be a little WoW later in the cards, too. My poor Pally has been neglected lately. = (

1 comment:

data said...

good job on graduating. I member reading that little note in the diploma holder when i grduted 4m ASU and saying "what a jankey disclaimer". LOL.

They should have put in the note, "this diploma will not nessecarilly garntee you uptaning a job, career, or sucess in RL. But it's a nice conversation strter"