Monday, August 9, 2010

Gaming Through the Years

Being selected as a Cadette by the Fragdolls brought on a wave of nostalgia, so I decided to look at pics from all the events I've done over the years.

MLG Philly 05 - first tourney, team PMS Combat Babes, Soccergirl, Metallic Aqua

Digital Life NYC 05 - working for Nintendo demoing Gameboy Micro, DDR Mario

MLG Chicago 05 -  team with Somegirl, Metallic Aqua

Zero Hour Xbox 360 Release - PMS special event pass

Consumer Electronics Show 06 - working for Microsoft and WITI 

MLG NYC 06 - team with Tart, Mary Jane, and Atomica 

GDC 06 -  worked women in gaming conference

E3 06 - working for Verizon FIOS

MLG Dallas 06 - team with Smileygirl, Ninja, and Peach 

MLG Anaheim 06 - team with Tart, Mary Jane, and Atomica

WSVG/CPL Dallas 06 - team with Tart, Mary Jane, and Atomica

PAX 06 - spectator and placed top 3 at halo tourney

Spike TV Gamehead  - Contestant for COD3 episode

WSVG Louisville 07 - PMS clan promotions, filming and photography 

WSVG Dallas 07 - PMS clan promotions, filming and photography 

PAX 09 - spectator & FD community member

& to be continued.

game on . . .

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