The movie follows Julia, who is the wife of an ambassador who moves them to France, and her journey to becoming a master of French Cooking. Then there's present day Julie, who decides to cook through Julia's book in a year and blog about it. All the characters in the movie are so heartwarming, and the movie itself is an aesthetic pleasure.

The movie is very well written and so fun. Meryl Streep is hysterical in her role, and Amy Adams is adorable in her attempts at Child's french recipes. I almost died laughing when she attempted a lobster recipe, in which she had to kill the lobsters herself; something I recently did when attempting lobster bisque last valentine's day. (it turned out freaking awesome btw)

I think I'm going to have to go on a cooking streak after this movie. I love food. And I now have a strong desire to visit France. The Boy better look out, he's gonna get fattened up next week after I figure out what new recipes I want to attempt!

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