Saturday, August 25, 2007

08.25.07 "Team Deathmatch: Let's Do This!"

So I was lucky enough to have a friend who got me into the friends and family beta testing of Call of Duty 4. After Call of Duty 3 being a bit of a disappointment, I was a bit apprehensive as I began the beta download. My fears were quickly assuaged, though, as I got into my first team deathmatch. It's nice to have finally gotten away from the World War 2 setting, and Activision's take on Modern Warfare is amazing. They've stuck with the different classes you can play as, like Call of Duty 3, but have added features you can unlock, such as 'create your own class' where you gain the ability to choose you primary weapon, then equip your pistol and other features from there. I do enjoy the fact that as you rank up, you unlock new abilities, guns, and all sorts of other goodies. There's a lot more about the game, but I kinda wanna go play it instead of write about it right now. I do have to talk about my favorite feature, though, the new and improve melee. KNIFING FTW! I giggle audibly as I run around the map sneaking up on people and stabbing them as they try to snipe my teammates. Or as I run around a corner and lunge, plunging my knife into them as they struggle to raise their RPG. Does that make me sadistic? Hmmmm. Anyways, that's my brief insight into Call of Duty 4. I'm gonna go knife some nubs, now. Kthnxbai.

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